Donate to Alameda Family Services
Every year, Alameda Family Services helps thousands of adults, children, youth and families get the help they need to not only survive, but thrive beyond circumstance. With the support of Alameda Family Services, individuals and families receive desperately needed mental health, early childhood, and family support services.
In these difficult economic times, the support from community members becomes more important than ever to keep safety nets in place. Alameda Family Services relies on donations to make up the difference between the cost of a service and the funding that is available. We need your help in the continuing struggle to support our families. Please join our efforts. Help us help Alameda!
How Can I Donate?
There are several ways to donate to Alameda Family Services:
Cash or check
Payable to:
Alameda Family Services
2325 Clement Avenue
Suite A
Alameda, CA 94501In honor of a friend or loved one
Employer or corporate match
United Way
Encourage others to make a donation
Attend the Alameda Family Services Fundraising Events (Sunset Sip)
Please call us at 510-629-6300 if you have an item you would like to donate. Since we have no storage capacity, we cannot keep clothing or household goods on site but we may know of a family or program that could use it.