
Donate to Alameda Family Services

With your ongoing support, Alameda Family Services ensures that every individual within Alameda has access to the help they need. Together we successfully provide the mental health, early childhood, and family support services programming that are so essential to the well-being of our community. Your donations make this work possible!

In these difficult economic times, the support from community members becomes more important than ever to keep safety nets in place. Alameda Family Services relies on donations to make up the difference between the cost of a service and the funding that is available. We need your help in the continuing struggle to support our families. Please join our efforts. Help us help Alameda!

To donate electronically, please click the link below. If you prefer to donate by check, please mail it to

Alameda Family Services 2325 Clement Avenue Alameda, CA 94501 Attn: Marjorie Ball