AFS Statement Against Rqcism and Dirscrimination of Asian Americans

Discrimination and racism against Asian Americans is not new in this country. The political climate combined with ignorance, however, has resulted in a significant increase in violence and hate-crimes against Asian American communities. This past year has seen thousands of reports of racist verbal and physical assaults directed towards Asian Americans, which are terrifying. The recent mass murder of innocent people in Atlanta, most of who were of Asian descent, only serves to increase the real fear experienced by our Asian American sisters and brothers every day.

Alameda Family Services stands against racism and discrimination of any kind. We stand firmly in unity with our Asian American sisters and brothers and with all people of color. We must be vocal allies and vigilant in our watch for xenophobia and racism in all its forms.

Alameda Family Services condemns racist words and actions towards all people of color and is committed to healing the divisions within our communities. Through inclusion, equality, and justice racism can be overcome and will be overcome.
These events can be traumatizing. If you need support in any way, please call us (510) 629-6210.